It all started with a telephone call. The call was from a person associated with a lot of rich people. These people have wanted to see me for some time. But I never showed an interest. Not that I don't need money nor do I dislike them. To tell you the truth, there is a certain amount of phoniness and superficiality with these wealthy people and power mongers that puts me off.

Many wealthy people in the past have used my techniques and become wealthier. Some want to acknowledge it, and some don't. I do not particularly attach any value to their acknowledgment or non-acknowledgment.

I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with phony and superficial people. My definition of phoniness comprises of a lack of an authentic response to the spirit. Most phony people are swayed by material glamour to the utter neglect of the soul.

While I was dictating this article, the person who was typing it on the laptop stopped me. She reminded me of my teaching that money makes a person authentic and asked if I was not contradicting myself. I said to her "No. I am not. We are dealing with two kinds of authenticity - material and spiritual. Money gives you authenticity in the material world, but it does not give you any authenticity as far as the spiritual domain is concerned." My answer satisfied her rational mind. Nevertheless, I want you to know that contradiction is the very nature of life. There will be no day without a night, no sinner without a saint.

My being on this earth plane at this time is especially for the spiritual people. I know that the spiritual people have either no money or have very little. This is because the spiritual seek spirit, not matter. It is undesirable to make spiritual people material. I am happy that they are interested in the spirit. Spirit should indeed be one's top priority. It is for this reason that Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are poor." Money needs to be dealt with using extreme caution. It can easily lead you to greed, anxiety, jealousy, and restlessness. Being overwhelmed by the nature of matter, one can easily lose sight of one's identity as soul or pure spirit. For most material people the spirit world, God, or evolution, does not matter. They are into the body, mind, and the world.

The world has gotten increasingly materialistic. True meditation, self-realization, and enlightenment are concepts not to be found in the modern world. God is out of the curriculum of schools and colleges. He is also out of the government and Wall Street. Often the term God is used meaninglessly and unconsciously. I am kind of happy for those who are on the Path. You may be following one or many paths: Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Taoist. It does not really matter. True wealth is knowing about your soul and about God. Your spiritual journey towards Enlightenment is all that matters. Money is only relatively important. I am not saying that you should not make money. But make sure that it doesn't make you phony.

In my last incarnation as Ramalingam I went to a wedding party of the wealthiest people in the town. My clothes were not great and the receptionists at the front desk denied me admission. I quickly went and changed my clothes. I put on the most expensive dress imaginable. Everybody bowed down to me and I was immediately guided to the most respected table at the feast. The food was served and everyone started eating. But I did not eat. Instead, I was throwing the dishes of food over my dress. People were curious about my behavior and asked what I was doing. I told them that I was feeding my dress since it was my clothes that were invited.

People do not look at your soul. They only want to look at your shoes and your makeup. This is what phoniness means.

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