"Don't Lie Down and Reflect. Get Up and Do Something." ~ Dattatreya Siva Baba

Dattatreya Siva Baba's Prosperity and Enlightenment program has helped to radically change the material and spiritual lives of many people, on many levels. Below is a story from one new program member, proving that being open to change and having the will to act is part of what we need to do to create the life of our dreams:

"Dear Dattatreya Siva Baba,

I have been in the P&E program for one month now. I am noticing that I am more aware of my behavior.

For example, I am aware that I am going through a great change and that this frightens me. I see in the past that I would curl up and sleep and try to hide from it. Now I feel that I will still lie down, but reflect and keep my heart open, with confidence, that I can handle the changes coming forth now.

Soon perhaps I will not feel the need to lie down and reflect, maybe I will live the changes soon. I have increased confidence in myself and in my abilities, and I have a deeper faith in God and all aspects of God. I am clearer on what I want and how this makes me feel.

My business continues to grow. I am magically meeting people who will help me.

I feel scared but I feel strong and I am ready to face what is coming. I believe you when you say there are good times ahead. I am using the sacred ash, Siva lingam, and rudraska beads, I am chanting and need to deepen my meditations. I am listening to your CDs and praying.

As I am better able to receive the gifts of God, I will definitely help others in need of money to begin the P&E program. I'm getting to that point as soon as possible. I thank you and I love you,


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