Most people are wishywashies. That's why most people don't succeed. I don't expect people to be committed beings like Socrates, Jesus, Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. It is not possible for everyone to lead such hard lives. Everyone wants to live a take-it-easy life:
- going to a couple of movies a month
- a minimum of 60 hours of television a month
- 200 hours of idle conversation with friends
- anywhere between 4 to 50 cans of beer
- 2 to 4 times dining at fancy restaurants
What characterizes life is engaging in fun. Gossip is fun. Beer or wine drinking and movies or games--all of these are fun. Work is uninteresting, and in some cases miserable. But you need to make money to pay your bills, so you go to work. You have no real commitment to make a difference in life. You don't want to engage in any self-actualization process. In short, most people are wishywashies.
One category of people I have never been able to help fully is those who are wishywashies. They have no commitments to themselves nor to me. I don't have to personally know you. But, if you are committed to my teachings--doing the vibhuti (sacred ash), the One Minute Meditation, Thiru Neela Kantam on Pradosham days along with the rituals--you will certainly turn around your life. But, if you have a wishywashy attitude, I will be able to help you only partially. Shridi Baba (Sai Baba in a previous incarnation) used to say, "If you look to me, I will look after you." This is what I am doing for the Prosperity and Enlightenment program participants. I look after them. All their pictures are kept under my picture with a candle burning on the altar.
I do hear your prayers. I am only waiting for the right time to sneak in and reverse the bad karma. I work with the 9 planets and tell them not to harm too much, and increase the fortune wherever they are doing good. Over the last two decades, I have helped a lot of people. Whenever they become financially well off, they leave. If they become millionaires, they remove my name from their mailing lists and phone directories. They want fun now. There is money, and they don't want to do anything with a kill-joy like a guru. But my work will go on. I know the corruption that money and power can bring. This is the reason why money is considered as anti-god. The only excuse for my teaching techniques to make money is to help you find time to meditate. Money can buy time.
Finally I want to close this note with an invitation to you to join the Prosperity and Enlightenment program. That's a clear commitment from you of sowing the seeds for your future.
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