Most people in the world have bad money karma- which means they are hurting for money. This is true even in the United States, which is the richest country in the world. Most people experience one or more of the following:
- Living from paycheck to paycheck.
- No paycheck at all.
- Living with their parents.
- Driving a junky car.
- Taking a bus to work because you don't have a car.
- Job is constantly ending and continually looking for another.
- Surviving on cash advance from credit cards.
- Borrowing money from others.
If you go to a financial counselor he would say one or more of the following:
- You have no job skills that are marketable.
- Go back to school and acquire some education.
- Get 2 full time jobs to supplement your income.
- Get more hours wherever they are available.
I am not going to emphasize any of the aspects mentioned above. Not that I disbelieve them, but they are commonplace knowledge and many people, if not everyone, know about them. I want to give you some uncommon and spiritual methods for addressing your money karma.
Why do you hurt for money? There are many reasons for why you don't have money. Let me begin from the beginning of your life. You mother has just delivered you. But, unfortunately, you are not born with a silver spoon in your mother. Thank god that you were not born in Afghanistan to be subjects to the Taliban tribal laws. Nevertheless, one's birth circumstances with money constraints have serious consequences.
As a child growing into adulthood, you are not going to have an easy life unless your parents do something to improve the finances. But as the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad indicates, most of our dads (including mine) had no clue as to how to make money. In a negative parental environment like this, you can do very little to get up and running. Your consciousness is clouded and you have no energy. You can't go to a good school because you can't afford the tuition. Why is this happening to you and not to Prince Williams or the sons and daughters of a millionaire?
This is only one answer to the question: YOU ARE BORN WITH BAD MONEY KARMA.
How do I change my money karma? I have come to this earth plane primarily to help people change their karma. In order for you to have maximum results, you should follow my advice meticulously:
- Get rid of your own philosophy about money. This has not helped you. Remember, even without your knowledge, your philosophy will sneak in. Get rid of them, period.
- Start my two-fold program to improve your bad money karma outlined below:
First, get rid of your past life karma that is disallowing you to make money. When you wake up in the morning, do the Thiru Neela Kantam meditation at least for 3 minutes while still in bed. Chant the mantra Thiru Neela Kantam in the throat visualizing a blue light. Both the mantra and the light should stay in the throat. Make a prayer to me to empower the mantra for you to remove your bad money karma.
Later on when you shower, do the mantra again as outlined. After the shower, it is important that you take a few flower petals and roll them on your head, throat, neck, shoulders and chest. Imagine that the flowers have absorbed all your past lives and present-life karma and crush them with the mantra Thiru Neela Kantam. Those of you who have my Thiru Neela Kantam CD should listen to it everyday.
- Your money karma is carried out in life through the planets. I recommend that you find out which planets are directly involved in creating financial hardships for you and do some remedies to change those bad influences. You may ask, "If we are doing Thiru Neela Kantam, why bother with planets?" The answer to this question is: Thiru Neela Kantam is your general physician. He knows everything about your body, but he needs to send you to an eye doctor or an orthopedic doctor as the need arises. IN ORDER TO HELP YOU DURING THE RECESSION, MY ASTROLOGERS IN INDIA CAN DO A FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR YOU TO IDENTIFY THE MALEFIC PLANETS. THEN I WILL COME UP WITH THE REMEDY.
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