Blessings. There are very important messages in the Bible that come through the life of Jesus. People told Jesus that they would believe him if he could manifest bread for them from heaven just as Moses did. Jesus said that he could do even better and give them eternal life.

People couldn't have cared less, and I don't blame them. At the end of the day what matters is if you have bread on your table. Jesus then manifested food for 5000 people.

When I go around the world giving talks, people ask me if I can manifest a trinket for them like Sai Baba does. I tell them, "No, I can't do it. However, I can manifest a Mercedes Benz for you, although you may have bad credit and no money for downpayment."

I am a spiritual teacher, but I am a realist, too. A few minutes ago I was explaining to a few students about how long does it take to save a million dollars. I said it takes 10 years if you save $100,000 a year. In order to save $100,000 a year, you will have to make at least $350,000 a year. I know my numbers are right.

I am not trying to scare you. I am not a pessimist. Nevertheless, I don't want to lose touch with reality.

Yes, I can help you spiritually and practically. Both methods are important. Spiritually, I want you to believe that I can help you. How can I help you if you don't believe? Secondly, I want to offer you a collective business idea and that's to become an affiliate member.

As an affiliate member, it is my intention that you will make the extra cash that you need to buy a house or car. I want to be largest online catalogue guy on the face of the earth. I want this not only for me, but for all my students.

I know in my heart without doubt that this affiliate program is the way that I can help you practically.

God Bless all of you.

1 Response
  1. Ella Lee Says:

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